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Brotherhood is an active and integral part of Temple Emanu-El that offers a wide variety of programs throughout the year. These range from Sunday breakfast events to music performances to bus trips to lectures, with topics including religion, sports, photography, and social issues. Brotherhood participates in a wide variety of service activities and sponsors social and learning programs throughout the year. Our programs promote fellowship with other temple men. Proceeds from fundraising activities benefit Temple Emanu-El and its community.

Ken Simon, Brotherhood President

Brotherhood's Mission

Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood strives to be an inclusive fellowship of men who serve our congregation and community in accordance with Reform Jewish traditions and values.

Brotherhood's Purpose:

Brotherhood strives to provide members with opportunities to form relationships through social, educational, religious and service activities that support our Temple and the local Jewish community with outreach to society in general.

Pictured above:

Brotherhood members grilling with Religious School Director, Snait Ben-Herut at the TEERS Purim Carnival!

Brotherhood Brochure

Brotherhood Board for 2024-2025

President Ken Simon
Vice-President Steve Leavitt
Vice President & Corresponding Secretary * Howard Schapiro
CFO & Treasurer * Burgess Levin
Recording  Secretary * Bob Handleman
Director & Event Planning  Chair Emeritus Don Malawsky
Director & Event Planning Co-Chair Malcolm Roberts
Director & Event Planning Co-Chair Howard Polivy
Vice President & Membership Chair Ken Taksen
Director & Chair Multi Generational Outreach        Neil Klaber
Director  Mark Golub
Director Jim Germer
Director Alan Roy

Robert Seide

* indicates member of Temple Emanu-El Board of trustee    

Please contact Ken Simon, Brotherhood President. 

For additional information, contact the Temple office at (941) 371-2788 or email us HERE.

Upcoming Brotherhood Events

SaturdaySat, 15 MarMarch, 2025
SundaySun, 16 MarMarch, 2025

Brotherhood NCAA Contest End Date

Sunday, Mar 16th (All day)



Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785